Howard Stern is one of the most popular shows on satellite radio today. Howard Stern has a bonafide following made up of millions of listeners. His show ranks at the top in terms of listenership amongst the channels that carry advertising on SiriusXM. This is an opportunity for your advertisement to reach all of those listeners with the advantage of the lowest CPM (cost per thousand) you can buy in radio. Let’s take a look at how easy it is to advertise on the Howard Stern radio show on SiriusXM.

Budget For the Buy

The Howard Stern Show commands the highest advertising rates on SiriusXM. How high? Well, you’ll have to call to find out. A typical buy might start with a few live reads followed by brand spots during the live show. More brand spots would be added to the repeat shows. Pricing starts high for the live read and decreases significantly from there.

Live Read on Howard Stern

A “live read” means that Howard Stern himself will be reading your spot on the air, delivered from a script or fact sheet. This can often be seen as an endorsement, or recommendation, for your goods or services. Howard can be picky about what he’ll read, and there are certain categories he avoids.

How to Proceed

To advertise on SiriusXM, it’s best to utilize a media representative that will spend time with you to answer all your questions and work with SiriusXM to get your campaign up and going. RSM works closely on a daily basis with SiriusXM and can plan and negotiate your buy. RSM can create the spots you need, or you can run your own. In order to achieve optimal results, we may also make recommendations such as website updates or unique landing pages that listeners will view. We look at the entire chain of actions it will take to create a purchase for your company.

Get Started Advertising on Howard Stern

It generally takes two weeks to get you on the air. The process is deliberate, not hard. Get started by downloading the media kit today.

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