Advertising on The Howard Stern Radio Show

Reach Millions of Listeners Through the Most Popular Radio Show on the Airwaves

Sirius XM allows advertisers to be creative without spending a ton because of the power of audience size, such as Howard’s audience. It’s millions and millions who listen daily, weekly, regularly.

Placing your advertisements on the right Sirius XM channel or show, like Howard Stern, can be crucial for the success of your marketing campaign. We’ve seen it. When you hear advertisers with staying power on shows like Howard Stern’s, it’s because they’re having success.

From an impression metric, Stern generates tens of millions of monthly impressions, making him the highest-paid radio personality in the world. He also has two SiriusXM channels, Howard 100 and Howard 101, which generate many advertising opportunities at various costs. Howard Stern advertisers have the opportunity to reach millions of listeners who value brands that value their icon, Howard Stern.

How Does Advertising on Howard Stern Work?

Advertising on the Howard Stern show gives you the opportunity to have the popular radio show host read your script live. Live reads are really exciting for the brand and the brand’s targets and audiences. Plus, live reads are usually seen as an endorsement or recommendation for your brand.

Take note, however, that Howard Stern filters what he’ll read. For instance, Howard won’t read “ingestibles.” If it’s a pill, no live read. Stern and Sirius XM put listeners first and maintain the more mature version of Howard Stern.

Apart from live reads, you can also benefit from other types of ad products including:

  • Brand spots – 30 or 60 second spots in the live shows.
  • Non-live spots – spots cost less when they run during non-live repeat shows.
  • Re-reads of Howard’s live read – if inventory is available, Sirius may allow repeats of your live read at brand spot pricing. This is a great option to leverage the more expensive live read.

You might not be a fan of Stern’s show, and that’s fine. What matters is that millions of his listeners like the show. Placing an ad on the Howard Stern Show is a huge chance to reach millions because he remains the one and only host despite many trying to copy his style. The bottom line is that millions of listeners within a specific demographic and psychographic want to hear his show and its content and smart advertisers take advantage of that to their advantage.

Of course, it’s a fantastic way to launch new products. There’s just a glow and sheen that comes from being heard on Howard’s show that creates instant credibility, awareness and preference.

The Cost of Howard Stern Ads

Howard 100 and Fox News are the most in-demand Sirius XM channels, so they also have the highest advertising rates. Comparatively, Howard Stern show advertisers who are willing to invest in his platform pay a slight premium. The two audiences are very different. And while the Fox News audience reach is higher, it is not Howard’s audience.

Budget? Advertising on Howard requires a budget of at least $20,000 to be effective, more if advertisers want a live read, one of which could take up half of this budget. Pricing does not vary depending on the time of day. Pricing only varies by live or non-live show and the type of ad product.

Advertising on the Howard Stern show usually starts with a few live reads, and are followed by brand spots during the live show along with pickup spots. Pricing varies according to inventory. Howard Stern does sell out regularly.

Call us to learn more about Howard Stern pricing.

Start Advertising on the Howard Stern Show

Why use RaptorUSA Marketing? RaptorUSA Marketing buys millions on Sirius XM and Howard Stern each year. We work closely with SiriusXM to plan and negotiate your buy. Because of volume, we provide great pricing. More, we provide great service. Many advertisers have questions and we have answers and are readily available, taking calls or returning them same-day.

We also produce radio spots along with the online marketing tools to leverage the Sirius XM ad campaign, if the advertiser needs the support. We have creative talents who produce well-thought-out, well-written, well-executed ads. We turn around scripts and a finished spot in a few business days, if the advertiser needs that quick of a turnaround. Our team also knows the secrets of creating radio commercials that deliver results.

Our team will provide recommendations that will achieve real sales results, not just brand awareness. Sirius XM considers itself a direct response media that delivers a buying audience.